Inhale. Exhale. Going places. Staying present.

yoga navy pier vibe up

Breathe in. Breathe out. You are good at breathing. You do it every day without having to think about it much—as you walk, while you sleep, even as you read this. Just as playing an instrument creates a muscle memory in the fingers or the arms, when we practice breathing deeply it helps our lungs create a muscle memory to breathe fuller breaths naturally, so that with every inhale you’re getting more of that fresh oxygen your body and mind needs to feel good, to tackle your goals, to try that thing you’ve been wanting to try.

Yoga, meditation, technically everything we do in life starts with a breath. A breath, a movement, a step forward.

Angela Corpus yoga meditation

Deep Breathe

In yoga the breath is said to carry your life force, your “prana.” The Hawaiians and Maori call that life force your “mana” (pronounced maná). Whatever word you want to give it, pause for a moment from reading this, close your eyes, and take your longest, deepest inhale of your day so far. Fill your lungs and then slowly release the air through your nose. Feels good, right?


Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

— Arthur Ashe